A Discord Chat Bot Simple, elegant, yet powerful



Bisly is an Discord chat bot designed to serve users using basic, yet powerful commands ranging from basic utilities to moderation. All you need to do is invite her in your server. Yes, that's all you need to do. She has no settings to be taken care of, just invite and use her. Almost all basic commands you need are implemented in Bisly.

You can join the support server for further help and assistance.
We are able to develop Bisly due to constant support from many other developers and the discord community.

Honorable mention to my brother and himself a discord.js developer Amethyst and my very good friend CynusW.


Quick Notes

  1. For using the welcome-leave logs, there must be a channel named welcome-bye in the server. If the bots finds that channel, the command starts to work automatically.
  2. Logs on Bisly can be used by having a channel named logs in the server. Logs work for deleted messages.
  3. For the reports command to work, there must be a channel named reports in the server. Note: Anyone can use this command. The usage is - b!report [mentionUser/Id] [reason].
  4. The createchannel command can make any type of channel, whether it is text or the voice. Also you can use the bot to create channel categories. The usage is - b!createchannel [name of the channel] [type].
  5. The deletechannel command can delete any channel in the server. The usage is - b!deletechannel [name/id]. Also in the command, you will have to mention the channel name, instead of just writing out the name of the channel. Also you can use the id of the channel, in place of the name of the channel.
  6. For the ban and kick commands, providing the reason is optional.
  7. For the bulkyt and the yt (both are youtube commands) you should provide enough arguments to get accurate results.
  8. Math command has various use cases. For a detailed list of all cases visit Math expression evaluator.

Quick Guide

Here is the quick guide for using some of the major commands on Bisly.

Use it to ban a user member from the server.
  • You can either mention the user member or use their respective Id.
  • Providing reason is optional.
  • Usage: b!ban [@mentionUser/Id, reason]
  • Example: b!ban @spacesanjeet abusing
Use it to create channels in the server.
  • You can create all kinds of channels, text, voice and categories.
  • Usage: b!createchannel [channelName, channelType]
  • Example: b!createchannel pokemon-spawn text
Use it to delete channels in the server.
  • You will have to mention the channel to delete it. For voice and categories, provide the respective Id.
  • Usage: b!deletechannel [#mentionChannel/Id]
  • Example: b!deletechannel #pokemon-spawn
Use it to provide the developer with your suggestions directly.
  • Feedback can be used to provide suggestions and bug reports.
  • Usage: b!feedback [suggestions/bugReports]
  • Example: b!feedback please add some weeb commands uwu
Use it to kick a user member from the server.
  • You can either mention the user member or use their respective Id.
  • Providing reason is optional.
  • Usage: b!kick [@mentionUser/Id, reason]
  • Example: b!kick @spacesanjeet spamming
Use it to make simple polls with quick reactions.
  • Provide a valid question, with ? at the end.
  • Usage: b!poll [question?]
  • Example: b!poll Should we organize a pokemon tournament?
Use it to prune messages on the channel.
  • Maximum one time limit is 99 messages.
  • Usage: b!prune [no of messages]
  • Example: b!prune 69
Use it to play rock-paper-scissors with Bisly.
  • After initiating the command with b!rps the game will continue to run for 15 seconds.
  • You will have to use either of these r, p, s in the mean time. Final scores will be provided after the game is over.
  • Usage: b!rps
  • Example: b!rps [r/p/s]

Made with ❤ by spacesanjeet#1363
Copyright© @Sanjeet
Follow us @spacesanjeet